
Good day ladies and Gents. I am so glad you are checking out my blog site. I hope that you find challenging and thought provoking posts here. But my greatest hope is that you will be encouraged by what I share. I will be talking about a wide range of issues from social, political, economic, family and spiritual.

Who am I you ask? I have a long list of titles, associations, and experiences that could go into answering that but let me start with the most important. I am a child of God and follower of Christ. So every post that you read will be influenced by that. My hope is to always speak with grace and truth and honor God. I am also a father of two beautiful Girls and one little boy, husband to an amazing wife, a high school social studies teacher, wrestling coach, a small business owner, author, casual sketch artist, and I also teach here and there at a local church.

God bless and thanks for joining the adventure.

3 thoughts on “About

  1. I thought I had started following you….but now see I wasn’t when you started following us! LOL
    Anyway, I love reading posts by men who love the Lord! I have to catch up with your latest.


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